Service Description

FraudArmor Plus offers its customers Fully Managed Identity Fraud Recovery services which include: Lost Document and Lost Wallet Assistance; optional Internet Monitoring Services with activation; check replacement; and may advancement of funds for losses from your checking account, up to $25,000 (that will later be credited back to FraudArmor Plus by the Financial Institution), based upon a fraudulent act that involves a check or checks from an eligible check order or any other type of identity theft. FraudArmor Plus provides a certified Resolution Specialist to guide you in the management of the identity theft recovery process and assist with replacing critical documents that are lost, stolen, or destroyed (e.g. professional licenses, passports, birth certificates).

In addition, FraudArmor Plus provides optional proactive Internet Monitoring, Online Identity Vault, Password Manager, and Timely Tips and News Reports. These services are optional and provided at no additional cost; and require activation at

FraudArmor Plus Is For Personal Checking Accounts

Fraudulent acts assisted by FraudArmor Plus include: Forged Signatures, Forged Endorsements, Altered Checks (changes to the payee or the check amount), Debit Card and ACH Fraud, Credit Card Fraud, and most other consumer Identity Theft. FraudArmor Plus helps with both financial and non-financial consumer fraud such as employment fraud, medical fraud, and internet fraud.

When applicable, customer must complete and provide all necessary documentation for the Resolution Specialist to provide fully managed recovery services.

FraudArmor Plus will provide replacement checks and deposit slips for the new checking account that is opened due to the fraud. FraudArmor Plus includes the following:

Check Fraud Restoration & Advancement

The Service applies to personal checks that have been affected by counterfeit, forged signatures, forged endorsements and/or alteration.

Resolution Specialists are available to assist customers should they have any questions or concerns about potential or suspected check fraud. In the event of check fraud, a dedicated Resolution Specialist will perform assisted or fully-managed check restoration services on behalf of victims and coordinate with customer's applicable bank or financial institution. Fully managed means that in addition to advising customers on the best procedures to help prevent fraud or to respond to a fraud event, a Resolution Specialist can also act on behalf of customers by obtaining an executed limited power of attorney form.

The service advances funds to customer for losses that would later be credited to the customer's account by its bank or financial institution. Funds up to a maximum of $25,000 per fraud event will be advanced for all checks to which the service applies and within 72 hours of filing a criminal complaint and submitting all necessary documents.

If the customer should be forced to close the affected checking account due to fraud, the Resolution Specialist will assist with the check replacement facilitation process. The Resolution Specialist works with the customer's applicable bank or financial institution and the check printer, allowing the customer to quickly resume normal financial transactions.

Identity Restoration

The Service applies broadly to the restoration of one's identity.

A dedicated Resolution Specialist will perform assisted or fully-managed restoration services on behalf of victims and coordinate with customer's applicable bank, financial institution and/or other agencies.

Fully-managed means that in addition to advising customer on the best procedures to help prevent fraud or to respond to a fraud event, a Resolution Specialist can also act on behalf of customer by obtaining an executed limited power of attorney form.

Resolution Specialists are available to assist with:

  1. notifying and requesting government issued identification such as State Driver's License, Social Security card or Passport;
  2. notifying the three national credit bureaus to place fraud alerts on customer's credit reports, and review such reports to identify evidence of the fraud or identity theft event;
  3. notifying banks, credit card companies and merchants as directed by the customer to freeze or close any accounts compromised by or resulting from the fraud or identity theft event;
  4. notify the Federal Trade Commission and file a complaint to report the identity theft event;
  5. otherwise coordinate with credit bureaus, banks, credit card companies, government agencies, and/or merchants.

A dedicated and certified Resolution Specialist is available to answer questions and assist with resolution in the event of lost wallet, fraud or an identity theft event.

Lost Document & Wallet Assistance

The Service applies broadly to the protection of one's identity.

A dedicated Resolution Specialist is available to answer questions and assist with resolution in the event of lost documents and wallet contents. The specialist will assist with cancelling and/or replacing lost documents such as credit cards, birth certificates, licenses and government issued documents, etc.

Online Identity Vault™

Online encrypted storage for your important personally identifiable information (PII), including SSNs, credit cards, financial account information and birth dates along with other important documents (i.e. mortgage, titles, etc.).

Online Identity Vault is optional and is provided at no additional cost; it requires activation at

Internet Monitoring

Recent studies have shown identity fraud incidences continue to increase year over year. Having one's personally identifiable information (PII) exposed or compromised significantly increases the risk of identity theft and fraud. The problem can be compounded once the information reaches the alarmingly active internet black market sites where information is traded, sold and re-sold through thousands of websites, chat rooms and underground forms. As criminals continue to seek new ways to exploit this information, if an individual's PII is found on these known sites, identity theft has already occurred and immediate action is necessary. CheckArmor will constantly and proactively monitor these sites, chat rooms and underground forums, and alert the consumer regarding any activity, while securely storing the following personal and financial information (Identity Elements) provided by the customer:

Ongoing scans of black market chat rooms, websites and databases will be performed to ensure that the name, address, Social Security number, email address, phone number, credit card numbers and bank account identification associated with a user's account are not currently compromised in the black market channel.

Provides e-mail alerts and/or phone notifications within 24 hours of activities discovered through the process of monitoring the Customer's provided personal and financial information.

Internet Monitoring is optional and is provided at no additional cost; it requires activation at

Expert protection tips and timely news.

These features provide access to timely tips and industry best practices that educate consumers about mitigating the risks of identity theft and fraud.

Credit Monitoring and Follow-up Restoration

These services are provided in the case of an Identity Theft Event. Even after the resolution of the fraud event, a dedicated Resolution Specialist will be available to perform assisted or fully-managed restoration services on behalf of victims and coordinate with customer's applicable bank, financial institution and/or other agencies.

Changes to a Customer's credit report that they did not initiate can be the first sign of fraud. This Service synchronizes with the credit bureau, alerting the Customer any time there is a change to their credit file.

This service monitors for changes and new activity from the credit bureau which allows the Customer to validate that the credit related activity is their own and then provides e-mail alerts and/or phone notifications of activities discovered in the process of monitoring changes to the Customer's credit report. .